Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Little Family

Here's a story I contemplated posting. In this photo is a picture of Me, Rob, and his 21 year old cousin Paul. Paul was in town visiting Rob for a couple of days. For the weekend we decided to go to NYC. When in the city we tried for lottery tickets for Wicked. For those of you who don't know, lottery tickets are when they pick about 10 people's names out of about a 100 to get tickets for 2, front row, for the price of $26.00 a ticket. (normally they go for about $200.00 a few sets back). Well, Paul won! Because Rob and I both have seen the show, we decided to sell the 2nd ticket for the same $26.00 price to a group of 5, who were short 1 ticket. We approached the group with the offer, which they gladly accepted.
With Paul at the show, Rob and I decide to do a little shopping. When in H&M Rob receives a text message from his cousin. The text message reads something like this; The People you guys gave the ticket to were so so grateful, they keep saying "tell your PARENTS thanks so much"! Yeah, ok, Paul is only 4years younger then me! It's not like they were young kids either. They were probably college aged students! Can you believe that they thought we were his parents! Oh well, I didn't take much offense to it anyway. I find it more funny then anything. Raise you hand if you think I look old enough to be Paul's mother?


Anna said...

GEEZ meggy I cant believe you didnt tell me you had a son! He must have been a result of one of your many one night stands when you were young and wild!!! Miss you and your young beautiful face

S. Fantasia said...

No way. That's insane! And funny. I'm glad you posted this story because it is so ridiculous. Of course you don't look like his mom.

Nicole said...

well you do look young for your age....

Matt and Jessica Stevenson said...

Um that is pretty funny. You guys do kind of act like an old married couple. But you definatly don't look old:)

Anonymous said...

Megan! How's it going? I just read up on your life :) Sounds like you're having so much fun! I sure miss you and Rachel. You two are one of a kind... tell her hello for me!

Chelsea said...

Oh my gosh... that is hilarious. It's a good thing that they got front row tickets... obviously they have a hard time seeing.

Nicole said...

hilarious! you are so funny. i loved reading your blog. hope you and rob and doing well and having fun in your new homes.

nielsen said...

GREAT story Megan! glad you shared it. It was good to get my computer back and read up on what's going on outside VA now. Hope all is great at your house! Miss ya...

Erin said...

Thank you so much for the cute, cute clothes! Your hand-me-downs are cuter than any of my regular clothes! I'll have to wear 'em a lot before I get really big :) It was so fun to get to know you this summer. You are so nice, and the nicest aunt! Kelty and Walker are so lucky. I'll be watching your blog for a ring!

Natalie said...'s time to update :)

Chelsea said...

Calling for an update! Calling for an update! :)

Matt and Jessica Stevenson said...

We (meaning me, kelty, and walker) miss you so some new pics.