Wednesday, December 3, 2008

On Your Mark...Get Set...GO

I'm off, today was the start of my training for the Sun Trust National Marathon in Washington DC. You are all welcome to join me! The Marathon is March 21st. that gives us about 4 months to train. So far we have a team that consist of Shelley, Cassie, Anne and Rob.
For those of you who know me, you know I'm not much of a runner, so this will be quite the challenge for me. Mostly, because it hard for me to get myself motivated to go out in the cold and run. I'm usually talked into running by my roommate Anne. So here you have it, a schedule I'm determined to fallow for the next 4 months.

16-Week Marathon Training Schedule
163Rest3Walk 2Rest26.2Rest34.2

Raise your hand if you think I need to give up diet soda while training. I go through these phases where I become dependent (addicted) to the stuff. I just love it so much! Sometimes I will go with only drink diet soda on the weekends, but lately I drink about two cans a day! Is this bad?
I feel like it gives me energy for the whole day and I love it! These are my favorite ways to enjoy my soda in order of my favorite; 1st. fountain soda (if the syrup is done right) 2nd. can 3rd. bottle. yumm yumm.


Jill said...

Go Meegs!! That's awesome! Wish I could be there to cheer you on everyday of training!

Natalie said...

Wow Meegs I am impressed...maybe Joshy and I will have to make a trip so we can run with you :).

PS: good luck with breaking the habbit :)---

Meg said...

I've been thinking about running the Salt Lake marathon and you have inspired me. I'm going to do it! Although I would rather run with you guys :) Good luck!

Nicole said...

way to go meg! I am not sure I could committ to a marathon. and why give up the soda when you are doing something so mean to your body??? your body needs a treat right??? :)

cassie said...

Meg.. I am laughing at the soda pic. Too funny. I am excited to run the marathon and so happy to see Ann and Rob are on the list. I think Nicole Lyman may be in as well. I'll keep working on her. It is going to be so much fun!

Chelsea said...

I'm so excited for you! I ran the Atlanta marathon two years ago. I think that it was one of the best experiences of my life. During your training, just remember that the hardest part about it is putting your shoes on. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Megan, I volunteer to punch anyone who agrees to run the marathon and then chickens out. By the way, I don't have a hard time putting my shoes on as much as I do actually running 26 miles. I'm planning on running a mile next summer...that's my goal right now.